Hello, and Welcome! 

I'm an actress, writer and filmmaker.  The short film that I wrote and produced, You Don't Even Look Italian, is an award winning film for the 2023 festival season.  It was nominated for Outstanding Comedy and Best Short, and won for Best Actress and Best Local Film!  Currently awaiting news on the 2024 season, so wish me luck!!!

In addition to the above, I'm also a recreational runner and hiker.  My family and our dog love to find new trails and spend the weekends outdoors whenever possible.  We also LOVE to drink coffee, but I prefer Starbucks and he prefers Dunkin'.

Also, I'm an Esthetician, which is where I came up with the idea for the comedy sketch The Esty Chronicles during the pandemic.  I basically taught viewers how to give themselves facials while on lockdown by performing treatments on a dummy. 

Yes, a dummy.  Her name is Cathy # 3.  Long story, but head over to my Instagram to learn all about it!

Thanks for stopping by!! 



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